Type1Radio Lounge – 18 August 2018

Join us for a brand new LIVE episode of Type1Radio Lounge. Miles is hosting again tonight, and he will be joined by Steve, Phi, Swami and Psonik, as well as our special guest Randy J, who is a contributor to 21stCenturyWire.com and AlternateCurrentRadio.com and a regular fixture on ACR’s The Boiler Room.

We’ll probably talk about the recent spate of censorship by Facebook and YouTube, as well as other topics of interest, such as the gagging of former guest 5G campaigner Mark Steele, and also the shutdown of JaysAnalysis.com, among other topics. Music in the breaks.


Topics discussed:

Jay Dyer / JaysAnalysis.com – site deleted by WordPress, new site coming. Support Jay:
Paypal donation handle: christus_vincit7@yahoo.com
Patreon support: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer

Mark Steele, former guest and anti-5G campaigner, gagged by court:

James Corbett’s take on Alex Jones’ deplatforming and internet censorship:

Fascistbook: ‘Censorship Does Not End Well’

Disgracebook: ‘Work With Us or Die’

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