134. “Shiva is from Kasi.” The heart space is Kasi. Manas(mind) is Kasi. Everything is Kasi. The eternal Atman is Kasi. What is Kasi is in the head. The ten Nadas (sound) are eternal. The subtle Kasi is the Nirvikalpa (thought free)Kasi. What is Haridwar is the nine gates in the body. It is the heart space. It is the place of peace. Yajna (sacrifice) is the immortal Jnana (wisdom).
COMMENTARY: One does not have to make a pilgrimage to Kasi to experience Shiva. One does not have to go to any of the great Shiva temples or caves to experience Shiva. One does not have to travel to Haridwar to bath in the waters there in order to experience God. All these holy places of pilgrimage are contained inside you. The Atman, the Self, Shiva-Shakti, is inside you. What is the true Kasi temple is the Shiva Lingam in the Sahasrar. The true place of worship, the real temple is that place where the ten Nadas and the nine gates all merge, in Chidakasha. Direct knowledge and experience of this Heart space of Shiva in the head is the real Yajna, the true ritual sacrifice.
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