On todays Meditative Living with Swami Shivananda Giri, we continue The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri from verse 240.
240. Shabda (sound) is generated in Akash (space). That which is generated in space is Life-energy. What is called Akash (A space) is in the head. Akash (space) is heart-space. Life-energy is one only. Just as there is difference between a river and the sea, so also, there is difference between Jeevatman and Paramatman. It is one of degree, not of kind. One must not think as “I and “Mine”. This is the cause of next birth. That man is of little intelligence who thinks in terms of “I” and “Mine”. By so thinking, he descends into lower birth. The energy in the sun appears as light. Likewise, there is an energy in the form of light in a gas light. To those who have lost
the difference between day and night, the light of the sun and that of the gas light are the same. There is no difference between the two. One’s faith is the greatest thing. Above faith, there is no God. In this world there is
nothing higher than faith. Man, devoid of faith, cannot be deceived by the wicked tricks of others. Man enjoys that in which he has his faith. The internal faith should be concentrated upon breath. Those who have no faith
have no thoughts of anything. Those who have no regard for Sadhus and Sanyasis. They think (wrongly) that thousands of Sadhus are merged of them.
Explanation: – Sound is generated in space. Life energy is also generated in space. Just as there is the grand “Mahadakash” (outer-sky) outside our body, there is also an Akash inside it. Its place is in the head; its place is in the heart. The life-energy is one and one only, though, seemingly, there is a wide difference in the creation of the animal kingdom. The seeming difference is like the difference between the river and the sea. It is not in quality but in quantity. The sea and the river are separated at the bay
by a thin partition. Likewise, Jeevantman and Paramatman are separated from each other by a thin partition (veil) of Maya. One must not think in terms of “I” and “Mine”. One must be completely devoid of the ego sense, for it is this feeling that is the root cause of next birth. That man who thinks “this is I” and “This is Mine” is of little intelligence. Uncontrolled Ego leads a man to a lower birth.
There is an energy which appears as light in the sun. Likewise, there is an energy in the form of light in a gas light. To those, who have lost the difference between day and night, the light of the sun and that of the gas-light are the same. Undoubtedly, one is not greater than the other. One’s faith is the greatest thing in this world. It is faith that leads a man to this cherished goal. Above faith, there is no God. Man devoid of faith, cannot be deceived by the wicked tricks of others. Man enjoys that in which
he has his faith. It is faith that is responsible either for a man’s progress or retardation in life. What then is this faith? How to cultivate it? Faith is not outside ourselves. It is within us. Faith is not external but internal and it can be developed by concentration upon breath. Those who have no faith, have no thoughts of anything. Those who have no faith, have no regard for
Sadhus and Sanyasis. They think (wrongly) that thousands of Sadhus are merged in them. They thing they are self-sufficient and
the ego reigns supreme in them.
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