Type1Radio Lounge – 23 March 2019

Tonight! Saturday, 23 March 2019 – 9pm UK time, 4pm US Central…

JOIN US for another brand new LIVE episode of the Type1Radio Lounge.

On this week’s episode Miles is back and sitting in the producer’s chair for the evening, with Swami co-hosting.

Our very special guest for this episode is our dear friend and regular guest Mark Anderson, one of the last of a dying breed of true old-school journalists, who comes complete with the hat to match. This week we’ll be talking about the concept of “the new nationalism” which Mark has written about (see link below), as well as the interesting case of an immigrant being denied asylum in the UK.


Topics discussed:

Rejecting Asylum Claim, U.K. Quotes Bible to Say Christianity Is Not ‘Peaceful’

UPDATED: Exposing and Countering the CFR’s Latest: The ‘New Nationalism’

9-11 AND BEYOND: Dr. Judy Wood to Appear March 27 on STOP THE PRESSES! About the Need for Problem-Solving Skills

STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson

Mark’s website – The Truth Hound

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