Type1Radio Lounge – 14 April 2018

Join us for this week’s LIVE episode of Type1Radio Lounge. Miles, who is filling in as producer, will be joined by the usual panellists Psonik, Steve, Phi and hopefully Swami, as well as guest pundit FunkSoul joining us fresh off his latest appearance on Boiler Room, Alternate Current Radio’s weekly group discussion show.

This week there is sure to be a lively discussion, as it has been less than 24 hours since a coalition of the USA, Britain and France began airstrikes against targets in Syria as retaliation for an alleged chemical weapons attack that supposedly occurred last weekend in the town of Douma, Syria. We will discuss the many problems with this narrative and course of action and their possible knock-on effects. We will also discuss the crippling cyber-attack which has seen the website 21stCenturyWire.com disabled for the better part of a week.

Strap in and buckle up. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!


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