Meditative Living with Swami Shivananda Giri 9/25/15

Today we continue The Chidakasha Gita of Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri from verse 230

230. Just as there are the gutters on both sides of the road, for the water to flow freely, so also, you must allow
the breath to take an upward course freely. It requires great effort to carry a stone upwards. But without the least
effort on our part, it suddenly comes down. Similar is concentration. It is easy to take birth; but it is very
difficult to leave this body. We must discover the source of a river. After it joins the sea, there is no use seeing
the river. To a tree, mother-root is the most important; all other roots are subsidiary. When we raise a chair, our
breath goes upwards. That is the seat of Prana. When we are cooking, flames of fire have an upward course; so
also, the smoke takes an upward course. In the lighted chimney, the course of the heated air is upwards.
Similarly, in the Heart-space, the course of breath is upwards. Our joy is caused by the motion of the air (vayu).
Without this air-motion there is no blood-circulation. When a water-canal is dammed, the motion of water has
come to an end. So also, in this body, such a dam is Vata, pitta, and kapha (three humours or tridoshas).

Commentary: – Prana, the Shiva-Shakti in man, must freely move in the body in an upward direction. Just as, there are the gutters
on both sides of the road for the water to flow freely, so also, by the practice of Pranayama, the nerves in the body should be
purified, and the path of Prana to the “Sahasrar” in the brain should be mde clear of any obstacle. When this is accomplised,
God’s Bliss will be experienced, of its own accord. It requires great effort to take a stone upwards but without the least effort, it
can be thrown down. Similarly, it is very difficult to concentrate the Mind on the ATMAN but it is very easy to lead the Mind
away from the ATMAN. It is very easy to take birth; but it is very difficult to pay it back by realising the goal of life (God). We
must discover the source of a river; It is of no use seeing the river after it enters into the sea. We must realise the source from
where we orginated. God must be realised who is the source of all Creation. God is to man what the mother-root is to the tree.
Mother-root in a tree is the most important. So also, God realisation is the most important thing to man. The seat of Prana in man
is upwards. When we raise a chair, our breath goes upwards. This upward direction is the real seat of Prana in man. When we are
cooking, the flames of fire, have an upward course. So also, the smoke takes an upward course. In the lighted chimney, the
heated air has its course upwards. Similarly, in the Heart-space, the course of breath is upwards. When the kundali in man
reaches the Heart-space in the head, there will be only one breath in man and that breath is the upward breath. Joy, in man, is
caused by the motion of air (Vayu). Without this air-motion (Prana), there is no blood circulation. Without the blood-circulation,
the body ceases to function. When the water canal is dammed, the motion of water comes to an end. So also, in the body, such a
dam is vata, pitta, kapha, (three humours or tridoshas of the body). Vata, Pitta, Kapha, are the three hindrances for the free circulation in the body. Hence, they are the dam in the body. These three humours must be annihilated by the constant practice of pranayama.

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